Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Apple's in-store workshops offer art and photography tips

If you're looking to get some photography tips for that shiny new iPhone you got for Christmas, Apple is offering just that. The company will host mobile photography and art workshops at its retail locations next month. For iPhone photographers, the workshop will focus on techniques and accessories for improving the overall quality of images, including tips for long exposure and time lapse. If you're more of the artsy type, another tutoring session will show you how to use the iPad as a tool for sketching, drawing and painting.

The free hour-long events are part of an initiative Apple calls "Start Something New," highlighting the work artists and photographers create with the iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch. Rather than just showing off the abilities of its gear, the company hopes you'll use its gadgets to get more creative with those New Year's resolutions. And it wants to show you how do it.

[Image credit: ChinaFotoPress/ChinaFotoPress via Getty Images]

Source: Apple's in-store workshops offer art and photography tips

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