Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Instagram finally lets you do the switcheroo between accounts

Social media managers, and anyone else who juggles more than one Instagram account, are celebrating the small pleasure this week of now being able to switch between accounts without logging out first.

Instagram this week announced account switching is now available, enabling the mobile photo sharing app to catch up to so many other social apps on this front.

Those celebrating the news on social media frequently are using the word "finally" and confessing their inability to remember different passwords for their accounts.


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The account switching process is fairly straightforward and works in Version 7.15 of the Instagram app for iOS and Android devices. Click on your profile (person icon on menu bar), scroll down to Add Account, then plug in the username/password for an additional account. You can toggle between up to five accounts now by tapping your username at the top of your profile, and you'll be reminded of which account you are in since you'll see the profile photo for your current account while you are using the app.

As someone who co-manages Network World's Instagram account (nwwinstagram) in addition to another account, I'm among those who is quite pleased with the update. 

verizonBob Brown/NetworkWorld/Instagram

One of the many cool network-related photos that have popped up on Network World's nwwinstagram Instagram account

Source: Instagram finally lets you do the switcheroo between accounts

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