Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Instagram Beta Launched for Windows 10 Mobile

If you're looking for videos to watch to quench your thirst for photography, YouTube has a great selection. If you've never really poked around before, we've put together a list of 13 channels you should follow.

"Site Specific Cameras" is a fascinating project by photographers David Janesko and Adam Donnelly. To shoot landscape photos, the duo creates large cameras out of materials found in those landscapes.

Renowned American photographer Gary Braasch died yesterday while snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia. He was 70.

Los Angeles-based photographer David Zaitz created a series of humorous concept photos that can be described as "visual jokes."

iOS and Android smartphones aren't the only devices in the world of Instagram anymore. Today Instagram finally launched its beta app for Windows 10 Mobile smartphones, expanding its reach in mobile photo sharing.

When shooting with your pricey camera drone, beware of... flying jet sk is. That's probably not a warning you've ever heard before, but check out what happens in this video.

The camera gear retail giant B&H is working to defend itself this month after the US government filed a discrimination lawsuit against the company -- allegations B&H calls "inaccurate" and "bizarre." In an effort to clear its name, B&H is offering the public a glimpse inside its NYC warehouses.

I personally own the Fujifilm X-T10, but I became curious recently: is the new X-Pro2 worth the upgrade, or is the X-T1 enough of an upgrade from the X-T10?

The winning photos have just been announced for the Underwater Photographer of the Year 2016 contest. The grand prize was awarded to Italian photographer Davide Lopresti for his image "Gold," a portrait of a spiny seahorse.

Always be careful when doing a photo shoot on the edge of the ocean. This 20-second video shows what can happen in the blink of an eye.

What do you do when you find a good loc ation to photograph, but the time of day isn't right due to strong sunlight and harsh shadows? That's the subject of this 12-minute tutorial by photographer Mike Browne.

The upcoming iPhone 7 is rumored to feature Apple's first dual-rear-camera system. If you want to see what using those dual cameras might be like, check out the 3-minute concept video above.

When the darkest material on Earth was announced back in 2014, photographers suggested that it could be used for everything from the ultimate non-reflective black backdrop to an art gallery in which the photos "pop." Well, that darkest material just got even darker.

For his project titled "Always Look Up," Hong Kong-based photographer Andy Yeung visited particular tall buildings around the world and pointed his camera straight up at the sky.

"Talks at Google" is a program in which notable people in various industries are brought to Google to talk about their work. Over the years, a large number of notable photographers have participated to share their stories and images.

Hong Kong is a densely populated city where high-rises are crammed close together and where an estimated 100,000+ people live in 40-square-foot cubicle apartments. Photographer Andy Yeung used a drone to capture this density for his project Urban Jungle.

Want to remove noise in a high ISO photo while preserving the details and textures in your shot? Here's a simple photography and Photoshop technique that lets you easily do that.

Flickr announced today that its desktop Auto-Uploadr photo uploading app is now a Pro-only feature that can only be used by paying members.

Almost everything I do as a photographer comes back to this challenge: seeing light as a cinematographer would on set. I was recently reminded of this in conversation with a friend and fellow photographer as I was trying to think of the best advice I could give to someone wanting to step up their lighting game. So I'm sharing o ne of my lighting journals from film school, it was my sort of "ah ha" moment after several semesters of confusion and frustration when it came to lighting.

Dear Photography, You have been around long before I ever picked up a camera, and you will undoubtedly be around long after I fire off my last exposure. Photos resonate with people, which is why I, like so many others, love your craft.

Source: Instagram Beta Launched for Windows 10 Mobile

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