Monday, May 16, 2016

Five Items for the Serious Mobile Photographer

While some of you tend to scoff at mobile photographers in the same fashion that film photographers used to scoff at digital, Like it or not, there are photographers out there that can do an incredible job with their camera phones–much better than some dedicated camera users can do. As it is, Mobile Photography is fun and with it you can also create awe-inspiring images that focus really on the art behind the image more than anything else.

To help you get those photos and add a bit more versatility to what you're capable of, here are five items we strongly recommend.

MeFOTO Sidekick 360

Chris Gampat The Phoblographer CES 2014 MeFOTO phone adapter (10 of 10)ISO 8001-60 sec at f - 6.3

In our review, we state:

"The Sidekick 360 is a really cool and very fun way to expand your mobile photography, but we feel that it can be taken even more seriously. Hopefully, MeFOTO will develop an even higher end offering. But if you're looking to get more serious about your mobile photography, then the Sidekick 360 is a great starters gift."

Buy Now: Amazon

PhotoJoJo Iris Lenses

Chris Gampat The Phoblographer Photojojo Iris Lens review product images (1 of 8)ISO 2001-60 sec at f - 2.5

In our review, we state:

"Of all the lenses, my favorites are the wide angle and the fisheye. Both of them let you do really cool things. The macro is nice too, but it basically just makes everything at a certain distance in focus and blurs all else into a beautiful bokeh. You may as well put the phone in a set of camera bellows then.

For the best quality, I prefer to shoot with the Apple camera app then edit with RNI films and then upload to Instagram or EyeEm."

Buy Now: Amazon

Covr Photo Case

julius motal the phoblographer covr photo product image-7

In our review, we state:

"Pop it on, and shoot better street photos with your iPhone to your heart's content. Just be sure to download the corresponding app first. Otherwise, you'll be composing images upside down–but you can always flip it later on. It's also important to note that the COVR app retains the camera's ability to make photos with the volume buttons. The case couldn't be simpler to use, and the sliding prism makes it easy to revert to the dedicated camera if you need to. The only sticking point is the process by which you have to take it off. With the mini-tutorial above, though, you should be okay."

Buy Now: Amazon

Moment Lenses

In our review, we state:

"If you're looking to step up the game of what your mobile phone can do, then the Moment lenses are seriously your best bet. Granted, you're going to be possibly uploading the images to VSCO or Instagram afterwards, but why not start out with the best image quality you can get to begin with?

Indeed, the quality that Moment offers is top notch."

Buy Now: Moment

Bitplay SNAP! Pro Case

Chris Gampat The Phoblographer SNAP! Pro iPhone case review images product photos (4 of 8)ISO 2001-125 sec at f - 2.8

In our review, we state:

"Shooting in landscape mode is when you'll find it easiest to use this case. That's where the shutter buttons and the thumb rest are most effective. But when it comes to vertical shooting it's tougher to do. You're essentially trying to use it in the same way that you would with a regular iPhone, but the ergonomics don't make the holding experience so simple.

SNAP! Pro has their own free app that they recommend using with the case, but I personally just didn't see the use. The Apple camera app is so much faster and I've become more familiar and comfortable with what Manual can offer."

Buy Now: Amazon


Source: Five Items for the Serious Mobile Photographer

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