Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Microsoft's Upgrade Deceptions Are Undermining Windows 10 — Upgradegate

In other news, it was revealed that Microsoft changed its mobile strategy nearly a year ago to focus on budget, flagships and business phones.

Users can go back to their previous version of Windows within 31 days of upgrade, but it's proving increasingly hard to stop it upgrading in the first place, presumably on the basis that "Once you go cack, you'll never go back", or something.

Mobile photography enthusiasts will be happy to know that the company now asks manufacturers to embed auto-flash on gadgets that support Windows 10 Mobile.

By the end of 2015, Microsoft's Windows Phones only managed to claim 1.1% market share, while Blackberry trailed behind with a very insignificant 0.2% market share. Exclusively available on Windows 10, Microsoft Edge is our modern browser for helping you get things done.

These statistics actually make sense, and the main reason is the declining performance of Windows Phone, but also the growing adoption of Windows 10 on PCs.

Comparing the quarters, Android regained share over iOS and Windows to grab a commanding 84 per cent of the market.

Statistics from Gartner show that in the first quarter of this year only 2.4 million Windows Phones were sold.

There's still plenty of time to upgrade to Windows 10 for free but, once the deadline passes, you'll either have to buy a licence or purchase a new PC with Windows 10 pre-installed. Windows will still install and run on machines with less than 2GB; it'll just run better on systems with more memory.

Nokia is finally ready to play the game with reigning smartphone giants as Microsoft sells off its feature phone business.

This isn't the first time Microsoft has been criticised over its Windows 10 opertaing system.

Dropbox 4.3 universal app can be found on the Windows Store. Previously updates have been published to both the Microsoft Download Center and the Microsoft Update Catalog, but in the next few months the Download Center will be depreciated. The categories and arrangement of the apps have been organised clearer with new individual app listings page design.

Cortana, the personal digital assistant in Windows 10, has helped answer over 6 billion questions since launch. However, the app is now available for download to all users - on the Insiders program or not.

Source: Microsoft's Upgrade Deceptions Are Undermining Windows 10 — Upgradegate

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