Monday, August 8, 2016

Sall D’s Mobile Photography: Macros of a Different Motiv

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Good morning from a cold and showery Hastings day.

This week for Sally's challenge I decided to do something different.  As we are in winter we don't have many flowers around.  Well some hardy spring bulbs are starting to poke their heads above the ground.  But they got a real battering with our storm last weekend.

So I was sitting at my computer one day and happened to notice the writing on a vinegar bottle.  So out came the phone and voila…..

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Playing around with Pixlr is just so much fun. The filters are just so much fun.  And the overlays add a bit of pizzazz to the images.

Sally D's Mobile Photography: Macros

Thanks for visiting

Source: Sall D's Mobile Photography: Macros of a Different Motiv

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