Saturday, January 28, 2017

INSIGNIA Mobile Photography Kit

My assistant, Ryan, got this cool little INSIGNIA Mobile Photography kit for Christmas… let's see how it works!

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PhotoJoseph had to brush the dust off of his iPhone6s to play with this INSIGNIA Mobile Photography Kit. It comes with a tripod, a bluetooth trigger, and three clip-on lenses: a Fish Eye, a Wide Angle, and Macro. It also has a microphone and a light that plug into a headphone jack (those, of course, can't be used with an iPhone7/plus). Either way, it allows for more diversity out of your iPhone's camera.

PRODUCTS MENTIONED IN TODAY'S PHOTO MOMENT:Insignia Mobile Photography Kit: [Amazon -]Evershop Telephoto lens for iphone 7/7 plus: [Amazon -]

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Source: INSIGNIA Mobile Photography Kit

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