Saturday, May 6, 2017

Mobile Photography – Saturday Poetry – ‘The Answer’ by Sara Teasdale with @blurrybirdy

This weeks Saturday Poetry, matched with mobile photography/art is entitled 'The Answer' by Sara Teasdale. "Sara Teasdale received public admiration for her well-crafted lyrical poetry which centered on a woman's changing perspectives on beauty, love, and death. Many of Teasdale's poems chart developments in her own life, from her experiences as a sheltered young woman in St. Louis, to those as a successful yet increasingly uneasy writer in New York City, to a depressed and disillusioned person who would commit suicide in 1933. Although many later critics would not consider Teasdale a major poet, she was popular in her lifetime with both the public and critics. She won the first Columbia Poetry Prize in 1918, a prize that would later be renamed the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry".


I have matched @blurrybirdy – Robin P's image with this poem. You can view and follow her on Instagram here.

If you would like to be featured in our Saturday Poetry section, please ensure you include the hashtag #theappwhisperer to any images posted to Instagram. That will mean we will be able to consider it.

To view the others we have published in this section, go here. To ensure your image receives our attention, please upload it to Instagram with this hashtag – #theappwhisperer

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'The Answer' by Sara Teasdale

When I go back to earth

And all my joyous body

Puts off the red and white

That once had been so proud,

If men should pass above

With false and feeble pity,

My dust will find a voice

To answer them aloud:

"Be still, I am content,

Take back your poor compassion—

Joy was a flame in me

Too steady to destroy.

Lithe as a bending reed

Loving the storm that sways her—

I found more joy in sorrow

Than you could find in joy."

Source: Poetryfoundation – October 1915

Photo ©@blurrybirdy

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Source: Mobile Photography – Saturday Poetry – 'The Answer' by Sara Teasdale with @blurrybirdy

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