Friday, June 30, 2017

‘Brought to Light’ – Mobile Photography / Art Interview with Christine O Sobczak from Wisconsin, United States

Our 'Brought to Light' interview section explores the mobile photographers and mobile artists behind their art. Each question has been carefully crafted and is designed to allow us to get to know them a little more intimately. To view others that we have published in this series, please go here.

Today, we are featuring Christine O Sobczak, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States. O Sobczak is an incredibly talented mobile photographer and artist. Unlike many mobile artists whom I feel I have met, but have not, I can happily reveal that I have met O Sobczak and spent time with her and as I write up this interview, that memory warms me and I have a huge smile on my face.

Two years ago, O Sobczak came to England and she had a stop over at a port which I knew was not far from the New Forest, a place in England that I adore. So, I drove down to meet her and it was beautiful. We shared dinner, with my daughter and her husband and then I took them for a short drive into the New Forest, hoping to find and show them the wild ponies that wander around. So, it is with that backdrop, that I have the benefit of more intimate knowledge of this very elegant and talented artist.

O Sobczak has reinvented the form by following her instincts, her work is deeply visceral and personal, it is exquisite in its delicate intimacy and reflective. O Sobczak is such a centred presence and also in contrast, impulsive. It is this mix of energy and excitement that shows through in her flamboyant art. One of the best ways to appreciate O Sobczak's art is by following a carefully crafted series of work, as we are showing here within this interview. This series of her work merges documentary and fine art, finding a new way of looking at our world and beyond, she's breaking the rules and influencing the direction and style of mobile art.  She puts one foot into an unconscious world, as she evokes a parallel universe, she has experienced before. This is heightened documentary fine art, one where atmosphere and mystery are key elements.

To view more of her work, please go here.

This body of work drew us to Christine O Sobczak…

All photos ©Christine Sobczak

Describe a moment that changed your life

There are many larger, and more beautiful moments in my personal life. But, I will narrow this to an art moment. In the nineties, I had just finished my four year art degree. Just before that happened, I sent an image of a single safety pin to a contest in New York. It was a silver print, in which, the safety pin had been hand colored to reflect the color of gold (completely minimalistic). I was warned that I should not have payed to enter the contest. Months later, I received a call from a top advertisement agency in the US. They wanted to see my portfolio. They had seen that image and wanted to see more. However, I did not have a portfolio at that time. As I had randomly decided to pursue a degree in art, after already having a degree in nursing, this was a wonderful affirmation of my decision.

Describe a childhood photographic/art memory

I really do not have a photographic art memory in childhood. When I entered the university art school, I was petrified because I did not have any background in art. I just had a desire to explore it. I fell in love with photography because of the darkroom's : dripping water, solitude and magic.

Describe your mobile studio

I once had an actual art studio in an old warehouse. I hand colored my silver prints there.

I hatched many ideas and products in that tidy, little space. The rent was raised and I had to give the space up. Now, I work at my kitchen's raised counter top with my iPad and smartphone.

What do you like to think about whilst you are creating images

Sometimes I put music on from Spotify or my iTunes collection. Many times I just work in silence because of my complete concentration on the images.

Share one photo tip

If you are creating personal, independent work (not from a site), create your own theme. However, do not be discouraged if your theme is completely changed when you start working on it. Images like to take on a life of their own. And, many times, it is much more interesting than what you had envisioned. So, just "Let it go"🎼

Who or what ignited your passion for mobile photography

I left the darkroom because it was becoming extinct (I so loved it). My nature is impulsive and I did not think that Photoshop would work for me. I honestly can't remember exactly how it happened. However, it started with an interview by Joanne with Daniel Berman. I then hustled to figure out how to go on Joanne's FLCKR site. I then found Roger Guetta's abstract site on Facebook..It all grew from there.

What is the most unusual subject you have photographed

I guess I would just go back to that little safety pin story from question number one. It was the most mundane, and humbled image that led to an amazing phone call.

What are your favourite accessories for mobile photography

I use my android smartphone, natural lighting, iPad Pro, APPs, and no other accoutrements.

Describe your dream Photography assignment

I would love to have plethora of unique human beings who would love to be photographed …. and would have no issues with how they were imaged in my artwork.

What does Mobile Photography /Art mean to you?

Mobile photography is a completely new way of creating images through the use of applications. It has so many possibilities that it can overwhelm. As a painter with a canvas, one has to learn the tools to become a professional…or one can just have fun and release some tension. Our social network is unique to the artwork…It is like being in school, learning from one another, and being connected to the whole planet of image makers. It will not disappear but, continue to develop and grow as the world becomes more digital and beyond digital.

Contact Details




While you're here…

….we have a small favour to ask. More people than ever are reading and we could not be more excited about that. We bring you ad-free journalism every day, so you don't have to close windows and be distracted with advertisements. We specialise in mobile photography and mobile art and we value all of our readers, writers, contributors and viewers but we do have costs and we do need to ask for your help. We at TheAppWhisperer spend many hours each day, each week and each month to bring you this high quality level of journalism. We do it because we are passionate about it and because we want others to be as passionate too.

If everyone who reads our website, who likes it, helps to support it, our future would be so much more secure. Please help us by offering a contribution or supporting us with a monthly donation of your choosing. Please will you help us?

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Source: 'Brought to Light' – Mobile Photography / Art Interview with Christine O Sobczak from Wisconsin, United States

Thursday, June 29, 2017

15 Amazing Winners From the 2017 iPhone Photography Awards

iPhone Photography

Grand Prize Winner, Photographer of the YearPhoto: Sebastiano Tomada"Children of Qayyarah"Children roam the streets in Qayyarah near the fire and smoke billowing from oil wells, set ablaze by ISIS militants.

A decade ago, you wouldn't imagine snapping a great picture on a cell phone. But with the advent of the iPhone and increasingly refined smartphone technology, photography on a mobile device is becoming the standard for many creatives. Breathtaking landscapes, emotional scenes, and intricately detailed images are now capable with the stellar lenses. The annual iPhone Photography Awards recognizes and celebrates the best iPhone photography from folks in over 140 countries across the globe.

Now in its 10th year, the contest documents our ever-changing world. For 2017, Sebastiano Tomada took home the grand prize and title of Photographer of the Year. His dramatic image is called Children of Qayyarah, and it depicts the desolate Iraq town as two kids stand alone on its streets. In the background, smoke surges from oil wells that were set on fire by ISIS militants. It's a heartbreaking and powerful portrait that reminds us that we can't turn our backs on the people who are directly affected by the terrorist organization—no matter how far the threat may seem.

Check out other winners from IPP Awards below. If you want to enter your own work, you've got until March 2018 to submit your best iPhone photography.

The annual IPP Awards celebrates the best iPhone photography. See some of the incredible winners of the 2017 competition and learn the stories behind their images. iPhone Photography

1st Place, Photographer of the YearPhoto: Branda O Se"Dock Worker"I shot this photo on an early morning photo walk around the docks in Jakarta in April 2016. These were the hands of a dock worker who was taking a break. I was struck by the texture created by the accumulated dirt on his hands.

iPhone Photography

2nd Place, Photographer of the YearPhoto: Yeow-Kwang Yeo"The Performer"Chinese traditional street opera is part of the Chinese culture. Unfortunately, the young generation in Singapore is no longer interested. Hence the street opera is fast disappearing.Instead of shooting their performance, I decided to go the back of the stage to capture the performers' preparation activity. I spotted this experience performer who is taking a short rest and was waiting for his turn to perform. I was attracted by the lighting of the old plastic curtain, electric fan, and the overall calm atmosph ere.

iPhone Photography

3rd Place, Photographer of the YearPhoto: Kuanglong Zhang"The City Palace"Udaipur is one of the most romantic cities in India. in the City palace, I snapped a moment of one of the staff gazing out of the window as if he saw the slowly historic course of the palace's construction, which was as quite attractive moment.

Photography with iPhone

1st Place, PeoplePhoto: Dina AlsfasiI shoot mostly street scenes and portraits, trying to capture intimate moments. Every day I get to work by train and bus. For two hours every day I'm in a place with different people. At first, to pass the time, I was just observing them and trying to guess where they're going, what they are dealing with, or what their story may be. Along with this observation, I noticed intimate moments and so I started to take photos, and I was surprised with the result.

Photography with iPhone

1st Place, TreesPhoto: Magali ChesnelStormy winds have swept across Europe this winter, with Siberian temperatures transforming trees in wonderful icy show in Versoix, a little town close to Geneva, in Switzerland. After a conjunction of intense cold (-10 to -18 degrees Centigrade), with very strong winds, blowing at over 100 kmh, the waves from the Leman Lake got so harsh that they passed over the dikes and the droplets immediately froze everything they touched, including the trees. Braving the frozen ground, I took this photograph, early in the morning.

Best iPhone Photography

1st Place, LandscapePhoto: Christian Horgan"Singing Rock"I captured this image in the Margaret River region of Western Australia. It's my second home, and one of the most spectacular places on earth. This was taken on the coast at Wyadup Rocks, and is called Singing Rock. I was swimming there with family when I was drawn to it by the sound of it's song as the wind whistled through it, and just had to capture this image.

Best iPhone Photography

2nd Place, FloralPhoto: Smetanina JuliaThis photo was taken when I was preparing for a lecture on composition in a still-life. This was one of the classes on mobile photography which I conducted last year.

Best iPhone Photography

1st Place, NaturePhoto: Aaron SandbergI took this photo in late June of 2016 while in Sigtuna, Sweden. I used my old iPhone 6s (native camera) then did some light post-processing with Snapseed, Photoshop Fix, and VSCO. This photo didn't need too much editing at all unlike some of my others—nature did most of the work here. This was the best shot out of maybe a dozen or so captures.

Photography with iPhone

1st Place, TravelPhoto: Jen Pollack Bianco"Snow + Fishing Cottages = Win"I shot this image on a bridge in Norway's Lofoten Islands overlooking Reinefjord towards Olstinden. The red cabins are traditional fishing cottages. I try to push myself outside of my comfort zone photographically a few times a year, and this year I headed to the arctic in February. I took this shot just after sunrise during a snowstorm. The colors changed every few minutes, and the snowfall was heavy at times changing the moody dramatically from minute to minute. It was a classic "wait for the lig ht" situation. It was amazingly atmospheric and beautiful, but very cold and windy. I shot this image using the native camera app on my iPhone 7 plus. The light was beautiful and I and used a touch of the Instagram Clarendon filter, which punched up the blue in the water. I've always been a fan of sunsets but photographing sunrise can be just as magical.

Best iPhone Photography

3rd Place, ChildrenPhoto: Barry Mayes

iPhone Photography

1st Place, ArchitecturePhoto: Paddy ChaoThis photo was taken when I was traveling in India. Chand Baori consists of 3,500 narrow steps over 13 storeys. It extends approximately 30 meters into the ground making it one of the deepest and largest stepwells in India. I marveled these elegant stepwells and shadows, I immediately took out my camera and captured this beautiful scene before it was gone.

iPhone Photography

2nd Place, AnimalsPhoto: Dongrui Yu"The Swan in the Pond"This photo was taken on a cloudy morning by a pond. I liked the reflection in the water which was dark and smooth because of the cloudy sky.

iPhone Photography

1st Place, AbstractPhoto: Christopher ArmstrongI've always sought to connect to the viewer though notions of beauty and the sublime and this has continued to shape my image making. I am striving to capture the luminous tones of light, ones that glow and transport. I hope to touch the viewer with simply beauty but also to connect to the history of art making as I reference and am inspired by other practitioners.

Photography with iPhone

2nd Place, OtherPhoto: Zarni Myo WinThis photo was taken on 16 August 2016 of a young man walking on puddle after rain in Yangon city, Myanmar. His image and the buildings were mirrored on the water and I shot that moment. It had nice movement and the buildings were a beautiful color.

iPhone Photography Awards: Website

All images via IPPAWARDS. Related Articles:

Photographer's Camera Dies at Beginning of Shoot, So He Uses His iPhone Instead

Stunning Winners of the 2016 iPhone Photography Awards

Stay-At-Home Mom Creates Surreal Silhouettes of Her Kids Using Only Her iPhone

Apple Unveils Most Stunning Photos Shot with an iPhone 6

Unbelievable iPhone Photos of Scotland's Landscapes by Julian Calverley

Source: 15 Amazing Winners From the 2017 iPhone Photography Awards

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Mobile Photography/Art Pic of the Day (588) via Instagram

Here's day five hundred and eighty eight of our mobile photography/art Pic of the Day section via Instagram. Each day we will be selecting one image a day for our Pic of the Day section on Instagram with this hashtag – #theappwhisperer.

To ensure your image receives our attention, please upload it to Instagram with this hashtag – #theappwhisperer

Today, we congratulate @marshadraws – Marsha Estes, with this breathtaking image.

Please view more of her images here.

[Please visit our Artist Directory and find out how we can add you too!]

While you're here…

….we have a small favour to ask. More people than ever are reading and we could not be more excited about that. We bring you ad-free journalism every day, so you don't have to close windows and be distracted with advertisements. We specialise in mobile photography and mobile art and we value all of our readers, writers, contributors and viewers but we do have costs and we do need to ask for your help. We at TheAppWhisperer spend many hours each day, each week and each month to bring you this high quality level of journalism. We do it because we are passionate about it and because we want others to be as passionate too.

If everyone who reads our website, who likes it, helps to support it, our future would be so much more secure. Please help us by offering a contribution or supporting us with a monthly donation of your choosing.

Tweet APPart – Mobile Art – Pantone Color of... Jason Bell The Photographer That Captured The Roya... Adobe to Acquire Fotolia: Adds Stock Content Marke... New iPhone 5S Rumored To Have 12-Megapixel Sensor ... Nokia publishes JobLens application in the UK to h... 6×7 – Completely Rewritten – Majo... Instagram – Updated With Instagram Direct! Amazon Appstore – Free App Of The Day &#8211...
Source: Mobile Photography/Art Pic of the Day (588) via Instagram

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

5 Accessories To Improve Your Mobile Photography

From stabilizers to clip-on lenses, here's everything you need to enhance your smartphone's camera.

Want to push your smartphone camera's abilities into the DSLR range? Nab these accessories to instantly upgrade your mobile photography game: from a variety of lenses to ultra convenient mounts, you'll get everything you need to take an innovative, steady shot that'll win you new followers in no time. 

1. Acesori 5 Piece Smartphone Camera Lens Kit

This 3-in-1 lens kit upgrades your camera's physical and creative range. The Acesori 5 Piece Smartphone Camera Lens Kit is easily connected via a magnetic ring and gives your phone fish eye, wide angle, and macro lens shot capabilities in seconds. 

Buy now: Take creative photos for $9.99, 80% off the usual price of $49.99. 

2. Ztylus Stabilizer Rig Kit for Smartphones

Eliminate shaky shots for good with this Ztylus Stabilizer Rig Kit for Smartphones. It lends you a secure grip and extended ergonomic stability, and even connects to tripods. 

Buy now: Say no to butterfingers for $21.95, reduced from $29.95. 

3. 8x Telephoto Smartphone Lens

As sophisticated as phone cameras are these days, the zoom function is depressingly limited. Fix that with the 8x Telephoto Smartphone Lens and increase your camera's zoom function to 8x for crystal clear close-ups. 

Buy now: Get this detachable lens for $12.99, or 74% off $49.99. 

4. JOBY GorillaPod & GripTight Smartphone Mounts

Take incredible photos and videos even in the most rugged of locations with these JOBY GorillaPod & GripTight Smartphone Mounts. You can work out an unlimited number of set-ups, from tree trunks to rails, completely securely. 

Buy now: Open up to new horizons for $14.99, 74% off of $59.95. 

5. Universal 3-in-1 Lens Kit for Smartphones & Tablets

No need to choose between your phone or your tablet for photos when you have this Universal 3-in-1 Lens Kit for Smartphones & Tablets. Take incredible photos by clipping these 180 degree fish eye, wide-angle or macro lenses on to your device and start snapping!

Buy now: Take amazing photos for $11.99, 58% off the usual price of $29. 

Questions about your order? Contact

This post is brought to you by StackCommerce.

Source: 5 Accessories To Improve Your Mobile Photography

Monday, June 26, 2017

Notices issued to seven priests in Telangana temple over mobile photography of deities

Image used for representational purpose only. AP

BHADRACHALAM: Sri Sita Ramachandra Swamy devastanam executive officer Prabhakar Srinivas issued notices to seven priests working in the main temple to attend inquiry about taking photographs of main deities in the main temple through cell phone.

Temple authorities noticed that pictures of main deities of Lord Rama, Goddess Sita Devi and Lord Laxmana have been posted on WhatsApp and on other social media platforms. Temple EO Prabhakar Srinivas took it seriously and issued notice to seven priests who are suspected to be involved. Taking photographs of main deities in the main temple is prohibited. Devotees are demanding severe action against the accused.

Temple officials verified the photographs posted on social media as to find out whether they are original or duplicate.

Source: Notices issued to seven priests in Telangana temple over mobile photography of deities

Sunday, June 25, 2017

‘One Day Odyssey’ Mobile Photography & Art Challenge with Liliana Schwitter from Switzerland

On 30th May 2017, we launched a new Challenge, relevant to all genres of mobile photography and art. A Challenge like no other, as our main requirement is for you to spend at least seven hours, taking or creating mobile images. The idea of this is project is that you take yourself on a journey and spend all day taking mobile photographs and/or creating mobile art. Not only does this give each viewer a wonderful series of images to enjoy, it's against the backdrop of knowledge that you gave this day to yourselves and that fills us with immense joy. Please keep sending them through and we will feature each one. Please click on the link below for further instructions.

We have recently published two other 'one day odyssey' posts, including works from Lisa Mitchell and also Cristina Rossi. (Please click on their highlighted names to view these too).

If you missed our original post about this, please go here.

(foreword by Joanne Carter)

We are delighted to publish our third Odyssey today, this time with Liliana Schwitter. Please scroll through and enjoy every exquisite image. Schwitter explains "The starting point was a camping-area in the "Ticino" the very southern part of Switzerland, where people speak Italian. In the valley of the river Maggia I went to see an art school for sculpture. I met a young group of students finishing their one week project. A sculpture made by marble. I became fascinated to see some of the machines and tools you need to work with. In the nature surrounding there were peaceful places, ideal to let inspiration come and perfect to search for shape. The kind of romantic athmosphere of Flora and Fauna lead me to the painterly style".

Please click on an individual photograph to be taken the light large lightbox view and scroll through this series of images:

All Photos ©Liliana Schwitter

List and links to all iOS Apps used







Effects Studio



Simply HDR

While you're here…

….we have a small favour to ask. More people than ever are reading and we could not be more excited about that. We bring you ad-free journalism every day, so you don't have to close windows and be distracted with advertisements. We specialise in mobile photography and mobile art and we value all of our readers, writers, contributors and viewers but we do have costs and we do need to ask for your help. We at TheAppWhisperer spend many hours each day, each week and each month to bring you this high quality level of journalism. We do it because we are passionate about it and because we want others to be as passionate too.

If everyone who reads our website, who likes it, helps to support it, our future would be so much more secure. Please help us by offering a contribution or supporting us with a monthly donation of your choosing.

Tweet Procreate Pocket Coming Soon To Your iPhone APPart – Mobile Art – Pantone Color of the Day – W... Kickstarter – COVR Photo Lens Case for iPhon... Apple Launches Subscriptions on the App Store APPart – Mobile Art – Pantone Color of the Day – '... MiniatureCam for IPad – Temporarily Free Apple iPad 2 Launch Today – Live Event R...
Source: 'One Day Odyssey' Mobile Photography & Art Challenge with Liliana Schwitter from Switzerland

Friday, June 23, 2017

OPPO Mobile Targets Kenya Expansion Lifted By Global Growth




Following the launch of its OPPO F3 smartphone in the local market, OPPO Kenya has signed up online and off-line partnerships to scale up its operations in Kenya to meet the growing smartphone demand in the Kenyan market.

It's first ever move to boost its market share in Kenya was a recent partnership with online retailer JUMIA, followed up by physical distributors countrywide who are pushing the Kshs. 32,990 OPPO F3 and gearing up for launch of several OPPO devices in the market this year.

Speaking on its Kenyan investments, OPPO Kenya CEO Mr. Andrew Peng said the Kenyan market will strategically be among the most important African markets foreseeable in driving its camera-phone revolution.

"Kenya has proved to be one of our African strongholds, having a population that finds the selfie feature impressive which is a success niche for OPPO. We are looking forward to satisfy the audience by introducing products that will inspire and excite," said Mr. Peng.

Mr. Peng said OPPO is now confident that these partnerships will increase sales of its products and provide a secure and convenient way for consumers to shop both online and offline.

"Kenya's mobile phone market offers a favorable competitive landscape. We believe that these partnerships will offer our users a thrilling shopping experience of our products at the most competitive prices,'' he added.

According to global marketing intelligence firm IDC, OPPO shipped 18.9 million units in 2017 opening quarter and had an 18.2 per cent global market share, up from 15.3 per cent a year earlier. OPPO's growth in Q1 was stronger outside its main center with nearly a quarter of shipments from international markets.

Over the last decade, OPPO has focused on manufacturing camera phones, while producing mobile photography technology breakthroughs.

"Part of our investment in Kenya is a dedicated indigenous human resource in marketing, R&D, customer service, brand management and internet operations that makes up for our 15,000 strong global employee ecosystem," said Mr. Peng.

Source: OPPO Mobile Targets Kenya Expansion Lifted By Global Growth

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Mobile Photography and Art – A Picture’s Worth with Mandolina Moon from the US

'A Picture's Worth'… is where we ask mobile photographers that have created powerful mobile photography/art to explain the processes they took. This includes their initial thoughts as to what they wanted to create, why they wanted to create it, how they created it, including all apps used and what they wanted to convey. We also ask these incredible artists to explain their emotions and how the image projects those feelings. We have published a few A Picture's Worth articles recently, if you have missed those – please go here.

In this 'A Picture's Worth' today we asked Mandolina Moon to tell us more about this image 'Supernatural Forest Devi'.  Matthews has detailed her thoughts below, we think you'll find this invaluable…

"Thank you Joanne Carter for inviting me to participate in A Picture's Worth. With the exception of photographing my dog, Briar-Rose, whose image I'll often shoot with a theme or a story in mind, with most of my mobile photography I usually allow my subconscious to guide me. I snap pictures of anything I should happen across, then later select one of those shots to play with and see what I can discover while experimenting with various apps. It is a relaxing process and I don't usually keep track of what I am doing on a conscious level.

Recently, while on a walk, in my neighbourhood, I captured, on my iPhone 6, an image of intermingling palm fronds and pine branches.

A few days later I opened the image in iColorama for some editing play. Under Style, I used a little Flow and Lighten to enhance and offer a sparkle and energy to the needles and branches. Under Adjust I played with ToneLab, then I went into Form and chose Mirror, Preset 4 and adjusted set XMirror. The image became a mandala, to me, the center looking like a female nature spirt, with her branchy arms raised up and her woody fingers forming mudras about her head. At this point, in my creative process, intention set in and I decided to refine what accident created.  The image was still abstract, so I subtly layered in a female face, hopefully to allow others to see what I imagine.   I saved the image and opened it in Repix, where I added a spattering of stars to represent the cosmos and a few bokeh representing spirit energy orbs.  As the image came into being I saw the essence of the mandala as a deity of the woods, a supernatural Forest Devi".

'Supernatural Forest Devi'©Mandolina Moon

While you're here…

….we have a small favour to ask. More people than ever are reading and we could not be more excited about that. We bring you ad-free journalism every day, so you don't have to close windows and be distracted with advertisements. We specialise in mobile photography and mobile art and we value all of our readers, writers, contributors and viewers but we do have costs and we do need to ask for your help. We at TheAppWhisperer spend many hours each day, each week and each month to bring you this high quality level of journalism. We do it because we are passionate about it and because we want others to be as passionate too.

If everyone who reads our website, who likes it, helps to support it, our future would be so much more secure. Please help us by offering a contribution or supporting us with a monthly donation of your choosing. Please will you help us?

Tweet App Store Rings in 2015 with New Records A Creative Life, Well Lived and Well Observed R... Gray's Anatomy – Wo ist mein Handy?
Source: Mobile Photography and Art – A Picture's Worth with Mandolina Moon from the US

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Oppo mobile targets Kenya expansion

By Claire Wanja

OPPO Kenya has sounded out its plans to scale up its operations in Kenya following the successful launch of its OPPO F3 smartphone.

Buoyed by the rising smartphone demand in the Kenyan market, OPPO has signed up online and off-line partnerships to boost its market share in Kenya.

Fresh off its partnership with Africa's leading online retailer JUMIA, the premium camera phone manufacturer has signed trade partnerships with distributors countrywide.

Speaking on its Kenyan investments, OPPO Kenya CEO Mr. Andrew Peng said the Kenyan market will strategically be among the most important African markets foreseeable in driving its camera-phone revolution.

"Kenya has proved to be one of our African strongholds, having a population that finds the selfie feature impressive which is a success niche for OPPO. We are looking forward to satisfy the audience by introducing products that will inspire and excite," said Mr. Peng.

Mr. Peng said OPPO is now confident that these partnerships will increase sales of its products and provide a secure and convenient way for consumers to shop both online and offline.

"Kenya's mobile phone market offers a favorable competitive landscape. We believe that these partnerships will offer our users a thrilling shopping experience of our products at the most competitive prices,'' he added.

According to global marketing intelligence firm IDC, OPPO shipped 18.9 million units in 2017 opening quarter and had an 18.2 per cent global market share, up from 15.3 per cent a year earlier. OPPO's growth in Q1 was stronger outside its main center with nearly a quarter of shipments from international markets.

"Part of our investment in Kenya is a dedicated indigenous human resource in marketing, R&D, customer service, brand management and internet operations that makes up for our 15,000 strong global employee ecosystem," said Mr. Peng.

OPPO Kenya launched the OPPO F3 a month ago and is gearing up for launch of several OPPO devices in the market within the remainder of 2017.

The top tier mid-range Smartphone has a dual selfie camera feature and currently retails at Kshs. 32,990.

Over the last decade, OPPO has focused on manufacturing camera phones, while producing mobile photography technology breakthroughs.

Source: Oppo mobile targets Kenya expansion

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Mobile Photography/Art Pic of the Day (584) via Instagram

Here's day five hundred and eighty four of our mobile photography/art Pic of the Day section via Instagram. Each day we will be selecting one image a day for our Pic of the Day section on Instagram with this hashtag – #theappwhisperer.

To ensure your image receives our attention, please upload it to Instagram with this hashtag – #theappwhisperer

Today, we congratulate @public_lens – Tim Bingham from Ireland, with this breathtaking image.

Please view more of his images here.

[Please visit our Artist Directory and find out how we can add you too!]

While you're here…

….we have a small favour to ask. More people than ever are reading and we could not be more excited about that. We bring you ad-free journalism every day, so you don't have to close windows and be distracted with advertisements. We specialise in mobile photography and mobile art and we value all of our readers, writers, contributors and viewers but we do have costs and we do need to ask for your help. We at TheAppWhisperer spend many hours each day, each week and each month to bring you this high quality level of journalism. We do it because we are passionate about it and because we want others to be as passionate too.

If everyone who reads our website, who likes it, helps to support it, our future would be so much more secure. Please help us by offering a contribution or supporting us with a monthly donation of your choosing.

Tweet Instagram and Vine Affected By Amazon Server Glitc... New Kyoto HipstaPak from Hipstamatic Lens+ – Temporarily Free Best Album iOS App – Updated ColdPlay Piano Songbook for iPad – Our Daily... Artistic Anarchy: Mobile Art Collusion – Third Vid... DScan – Our Daily App Giveaway Mobile Photography/Art – Tip Of The Day – Number 5...
Source: Mobile Photography/Art Pic of the Day (584) via Instagram

Monday, June 19, 2017

Mobile Photography/Art Pic of the Day (583) via Instagram

Here's day five hundred and eighty three of our mobile photography/art Pic of the Day section via Instagram. Each day we will be selecting one image a day for our Pic of the Day section on Instagram with this hashtag – #theappwhisperer.

To ensure your image receives our attention, please upload it to Instagram with this hashtag – #theappwhisperer

Today, we congratulate @gcosta9 – Gina Costa, with this breathtaking image, from her series "Meta Narratives".

Please view more of her images here.

[Please visit our Artist Directory and find out how we can add you too!]

While you're here…

….we have a small favour to ask. More people than ever are reading and we could not be more excited about that. We bring you ad-free journalism every day, so you don't have to close windows and be distracted with advertisements. We specialise in mobile photography and mobile art and we value all of our readers, writers, contributors and viewers but we do have costs and we do need to ask for your help. We at TheAppWhisperer spend many hours each day, each week and each month to bring you this high quality level of journalism. We do it because we are passionate about it and because we want others to be as passionate too.

If everyone who reads our website, who likes it, helps to support it, our future would be so much more secure. Please help us by offering a contribution or supporting us with a monthly donation of your choosing.

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Source: Mobile Photography/Art Pic of the Day (583) via Instagram

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Open Secret: OnePlus 5 could be the best smartphone ever…Period

Published:June 17, 2017 1:32 pm

OnePlus has been around for less than three years in the market, but it has changed the game when it comes to defining Android flagship phones. OnePlus has been giving the likes of Samsung, Google and Apple a run for their money by offering beautifully crafted, high specced smartphones at an amazingly affordable price. OnePlus flagships have lived up to the company's motto of 'Never Settle'.

After the massive success of the OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T last year, the global brand is launching its new big flagship, which is confirmed as the OnePlus 5. The upcoming OnePlus 5 flagship has set the rumour mills buzzing, and the brand put out enough teasers, links to give fans a glimpse of the upcoming phone. Here's a look at some 'open secrets' about the OnePlus 5, which are likely to come true, and could make this smartphone one powerful beast.

OnePlus 5, OnePlus 5 launch, OnePlus 5 specs, OnePlus 5 features, OnePlus 5 launch date, OnePlus 5 Amazon India, OnePlus 5 rumours, OnePlus 5 launch Mumbai

OnePlus 5, OnePlus 5 launch, OnePlus 5 specs, OnePlus 5 features, OnePlus 5 launch date, OnePlus 5 Amazon India, OnePlus 5 rumours, OnePlus 5 launch Mumbai

Camera has been one of the strengths of OnePlus devices, and with OnePlus 5 it will take this to another level by adding dual cameras on the phone.

Dual cameras with DxO Mark as partner

Camera has been one of the strengths of OnePlus devices, and with OnePlus 5 it will take this to another level by adding dual cameras on the phone. When we last heard, the OnePlus 5 is expected to come with 20 megapixel dual lenses with OIS. The ability to try out optical zoom will be there as well. What's more, OnePlus has recently partnered with DxO, the French company that develops image processing software and maintains a website with technical measurements of lenses and cameras. A DxO score is supposed to show how good or bad your camera is, and with this new partner, the OnePlus 5's camera is expected to set a new record in mobile photography.

Beast of a Snapdragon 835 processor

OnePlus 5 will come with Snapdragon 835 processor and could set a new performance benchmark among flagships. Qualcomm has confirmed this, and Snapdragon 835 is the world's most powerful mobile platform right with an Octa-core SoS. Comparisons between the OnePlus 5 flagship's benchmark scores, and how it has beaten the score of Samsung Galaxy S8+ on Geekbench have also been posted online. Leaked screenshot showed OnePlus 5 got a score of 1963 (single-core), and a gigantic 6687 score (multi-core). It will be the first phone to sport this processor in India.

OnePlus 5, OnePlus 5 launch, OnePlus 5 specs, OnePlus 5 features, OnePlus 5 launch date, OnePlus 5 Amazon India, OnePlus 5 rumours, OnePlus 5 launch Mumbai

OnePlus 5, OnePlus 5 launch, OnePlus 5 specs, OnePlus 5 features, OnePlus 5 launch date, OnePlus 5 Amazon India, OnePlus 5 rumours, OnePlus 5 launch Mumbai

OnePlus 5 to have powerful Snapdragon 835 processor.

Dear PC, your RAM is less

OnePlus 5 won't just stop at introducing the most powerful Snapdragon 835 processor. After introducing 6GB RAM on OnePlus 3, OnePlus 3T, the brand will amp it further on the new OnePlus 5 flagship. 8GB RAM is what the rumour mills are screaming. This is not surprising when you consider that OnePlus devices were among the first to get into 4GB and 6GB RAM territory. Other big question: Will it boost the internal storage to 256 GB?

Dash Charge and Notifications slider

OnePlus 5 will likely sport a much bigger battery compared to the OnePlus 3T. The Dash Charger, which is one of the most powerful and quick ways of boosting the smartphone's battery will also be back on the OnePlus 5. Also leaked images of OnePlus 5 indicate the notifications slide will be present on the OnePlus 5 as well.

OnePlus 5 will be unveiled on June 22 2017 at Mumbai NSCI Dome, in one of the biggest launch events. What makes this launch event unique is that even OnePlus fans can be a part of the launch event in Mumbai, for which they need to purchase the ticket from from June 12. OnePlus 5 goes on sale in India on June 22 on Amazon India at 4.30 pm and the OnePlus India online store, and the OnePlus exclusive store in Bangalore.

Disclaimer: This article is sponsored by OnePlus India.

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Source: Open Secret: OnePlus 5 could be the best smartphone ever…Period

Saturday, June 17, 2017

‘Brought To Light’ – Mobile Photography / Art Interview with Lorenka Campos from Texas, US

XYZ is a technology company that provides domain names and related services to individuals and businesses worldwide. As a leader in the industry, XYZ has a wide span of products, from its flagship domain .xyz to category specific domains such as .rent and .College.

XYZ was founded in 2011 in order to bring innovation and choice to internet users seeking a web presence. By connecting generations X, Y, Z we have given all age groups the opportunity to grow their projects, brands and businesses with new domain names.

As an expanding internet company, XYZ now has office locations in Santa Monica and Las Vegas. XYZ continues to expand both its physical presence and workforce, as we are looking for likeminded innovators to join our team.

Source: 'Brought To Light' – Mobile Photography / Art Interview with Lorenka Campos from Texas, US

Friday, June 16, 2017

Mobile Photography/Art Pic of the Day (582) via Instagram

Here's day five hundred and eighty two of our mobile photography/art Pic of the Day section via Instagram. Each day we will be selecting one image a day for our Pic of the Day section on Instagram with this hashtag – #theappwhisperer.

To ensure your image receives our attention, please upload it to Instagram with this hashtag – #theappwhisperer

Today, we congratulate @robinrobertis – Robin Robertis, with this breathtaking image.

Please view more of her images here.

[Please visit our Artist Directory and find out how we can add you too!]

While you're here…

….we have a small favour to ask. More people than ever are reading and we could not be more excited about that. We bring you ad-free journalism every day, so you don't have to close windows and be distracted with advertisements. We specialise in mobile photography and mobile art and we value all of our readers, writers, contributors and viewers but we do have costs and we do need to ask for your help. We at TheAppWhisperer spend many hours each day, each week and each month to bring you this high quality level of journalism. We do it because we are passionate about it and because we want others to be as passionate too.

If everyone who reads our website, who likes it, helps to support it, our future would be so much more secure. Please help us by offering a contribution or supporting us with a monthly donation of your choosing.

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Source: Mobile Photography/Art Pic of the Day (582) via Instagram

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Mobile Photography/Art Pic of the Day (581) via Instagram

Here's day five hundred and eighty one of our mobile photography/art Pic of the Day section via Instagram. Each day we will be selecting one image a day for our Pic of the Day section on Instagram with this hashtag – #theappwhisperer.

To ensure your image receives our attention, please upload it to Instagram with this hashtag – #theappwhisperer

Today, we congratulate @imaco57 – Isabel Afonso, with this breathtaking image.

Please view more of her images here.

[Please visit our Artist Directory and find out how we can add you too!]

While you're here…

….we have a small favour to ask. More people than ever are reading and we could not be more excited about that. We bring you ad-free journalism every day, so you don't have to close windows and be distracted with advertisements. We specialise in mobile photography and mobile art and we value all of our readers, writers, contributors and viewers but we do have costs and we do need to ask for your help. We at TheAppWhisperer spend many hours each day, each week and each month to bring you this high quality level of journalism. We do it because we are passionate about it and because we want others to be as passionate too.

If everyone who reads our website, who likes it, helps to support it, our future would be so much more secure. Please help us by offering a contribution or supporting us with a monthly donation of your choosing.

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Source: Mobile Photography/Art Pic of the Day (581) via Instagram

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

‘Brought To Light’ – Mobile Photography / Art Interview with Catherine Caddigan from the US

Our 'Brought to Light' interview section explores the mobile photographers and mobile artists behind their art. Each question has been carefully crafted and is designed to allow us to get to know them a little more intimately. To view others that we have published in this series, please go here.

Today we are featuring Catherine Caddigan, from the United States. Caddigan is an experienced photographer and artist with a strong belief in the transformative power of photography and art. Creativity, has Caddigan bravely reveals within our intimate interview, helped her to become a better human being and mother. Many people describe tragedy as creating a shift like presence, it changes the way you view things. I believe this to be the case with Caddigan, her creativity has much to do with what she feels, as to what she sees and beyond that, creates.

Within Caddigan's work the aesthetic is strong and immensely appealing with poetic wisdom and there's also a fragility, her strong sense of belief and faith in the betterment of things shines through. This is an intuitive series of work, created and exhibited at a substantial personal level. To view more of Caddigan's work, please go here.

This body of work drew us to Catherine Caddigan…

Describe a moment that changed your life

There was a tragedy in my early life involving a fire and the death of my young sister that deeply affected my whole family, some more profoundly. But I prefer not to dwell on that so I will talk about a more recent event. Thirty-two years ago my son was born, and I got sober. It was not a coincidence. This event brought me into contact with some very some positive people and good healthcare. I adore my son, and I had the unwavering support of my spouse. It was a long struggle, and the three of us, my son, my husband and myself traveled it together. Along the way I sought out spiritual connections as well. Creativity had always played a role in my life, but now it became more central. I had somehow always glamorised alcohol and creativity as in Dylan Thomas and Jackson Pollack. But I found I could be more productive and a better human being and mother without it.

Photo ©Catherine Caddigan

Describe a childhood photographic/art memory

I was always drawing, and when I was young my mother took my sister and I to the local "artist" for lessons. I can still remember the set up of blue cloth and vases in her home studio. I can remember the smell of the turp. She had a fascinating home and wore outrageous clothes and jewellery. I was hooked, I admired her individuality. I still remember completing a rather mediocre painting but I really learned a lot about making art, about living with it the way she did.

Photo ©Catherine Caddigan

Describe your mobile studio

I have 42 photo apps, so far, but I keep a list of apps I would like to add. Many of these apps I don't use, I focus on a few favorites, and some of these I am still learning. I also have an OlloClip and a tripod attachment.

Photo ©Catherine Caddigan

What do you like to think about whilst creating images?

Differently. I save when I think I have something and then keep going, to see how far I can push the image. Sometimes, I am hardly thinking about anything, just seeing and doing. My process is very intuitive.

Photo ©Catherine Caddigan

Share one mobile photography/art tip

I would like to say: stay curious. But I need to share something else, which is that I am not as organised I would like to be. I'm not very tech savvy and I need to do a lot of work organising and storing my images. Since I am very right brained it is something I have put off far too long.

Photo ©Catherine Caddigan

What or who ignited your passion for mobile photography/art?

I was using Flickr before I got an iphone, and I admired Roger Guetta's work, and had some commonality with him photographically, though I'm not comparing myself to him. I noticed when he started to use a mobile device and became intrigued with the results he was having. I had no idea where to start when I got my iphone 4 and somehow I found a nearby workshop with Rad Drew. I took it and it got me started, he suggested apps and had lots of helpful information for getting me going. Then I bought the Bob Weil on-line course, but I would say it had been Roger who has inspired me the most. (And still does.)

Photo ©Catherine Caddigan

What is the most unusual subject you have photographed/painted?

A deer skull. I put it in a plastic bag and took it home, bleached it and photographed it.

Photo ©Catherine Caddigan

What are your favourite mobile photography accessories?

My favorite accessory is my tripod attachment, though I don't use it all that often.

Photo ©Catherine Caddigan

Describe your dream photography assignment

I am an avid reader, so I would love to work for a publisher doing book covers.

Photo ©Catherine Caddigan

Who would play you in a film of your life?

Jodie Foster

Photo ©Catherine Caddigan

What does mobile photography/art mean to you?

It has been a slow transition for me to go from my SLR to my mobile devices. But it is so immediate and tactile that I find it to be compelling. Much of my method is the same in as I used for the SLR. I shoot and collect images and visual material both original and "found" and integrate various elements into compositions. I always have my phone and I try to be aware of visual opportunities as I go about my day, then when I have some free time I will sit and concentrate on some project that is on going. I literally carry my art around with me, and find that I can surprise myself a lot. I am thrilled to be a member of a community of artists that shares the way mobile photographers do. And I am so grateful to Joanne Carter for giving us a forum for this medium.

Photo ©Catherine Caddigan

While you're here…

….we have a small favour to ask. More people than ever are reading and we could not be more excited about that. We bring you ad-free journalism every day, so you don't have to close windows and be distracted with advertisements. We specialise in mobile photography and mobile art and we value all of our readers, writers, contributors and viewers but we do have costs and we do need to ask for your help. We at TheAppWhisperer spend many hours each day, each week and each month to bring you this high quality level of journalism. We do it because we are passionate about it and because we want others to be as passionate too.

If everyone who reads our website, who likes it, helps to support it, our future would be so much more secure. Please help us by offering a contribution or supporting us with a monthly donation of your choosing. Please will you help us?

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Source: 'Brought To Light' – Mobile Photography / Art Interview with Catherine Caddigan from the US