Sunday, June 25, 2017

‘One Day Odyssey’ Mobile Photography & Art Challenge with Liliana Schwitter from Switzerland

On 30th May 2017, we launched a new Challenge, relevant to all genres of mobile photography and art. A Challenge like no other, as our main requirement is for you to spend at least seven hours, taking or creating mobile images. The idea of this is project is that you take yourself on a journey and spend all day taking mobile photographs and/or creating mobile art. Not only does this give each viewer a wonderful series of images to enjoy, it's against the backdrop of knowledge that you gave this day to yourselves and that fills us with immense joy. Please keep sending them through and we will feature each one. Please click on the link below for further instructions.

We have recently published two other 'one day odyssey' posts, including works from Lisa Mitchell and also Cristina Rossi. (Please click on their highlighted names to view these too).

If you missed our original post about this, please go here.

(foreword by Joanne Carter)

We are delighted to publish our third Odyssey today, this time with Liliana Schwitter. Please scroll through and enjoy every exquisite image. Schwitter explains "The starting point was a camping-area in the "Ticino" the very southern part of Switzerland, where people speak Italian. In the valley of the river Maggia I went to see an art school for sculpture. I met a young group of students finishing their one week project. A sculpture made by marble. I became fascinated to see some of the machines and tools you need to work with. In the nature surrounding there were peaceful places, ideal to let inspiration come and perfect to search for shape. The kind of romantic athmosphere of Flora and Fauna lead me to the painterly style".

Please click on an individual photograph to be taken the light large lightbox view and scroll through this series of images:

All Photos ©Liliana Schwitter

List and links to all iOS Apps used







Effects Studio



Simply HDR

While you're here…

….we have a small favour to ask. More people than ever are reading and we could not be more excited about that. We bring you ad-free journalism every day, so you don't have to close windows and be distracted with advertisements. We specialise in mobile photography and mobile art and we value all of our readers, writers, contributors and viewers but we do have costs and we do need to ask for your help. We at TheAppWhisperer spend many hours each day, each week and each month to bring you this high quality level of journalism. We do it because we are passionate about it and because we want others to be as passionate too.

If everyone who reads our website, who likes it, helps to support it, our future would be so much more secure. Please help us by offering a contribution or supporting us with a monthly donation of your choosing.

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Source: 'One Day Odyssey' Mobile Photography & Art Challenge with Liliana Schwitter from Switzerland

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