Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Mobile Photography and Art – A Picture’s Worth with Magda De Jonge Malucha from Ibiza, Spain

'A Picture's Worth'… is where we ask mobile photographers that have created powerful mobile photography/art to explain the processes they took. This includes their initial thoughts as to what they wanted to create, why they wanted to create it, how they created it, including all apps used and what they wanted to convey. We also ask these incredible artists to explain their emotions and how the image projects those feelings. We have published a few A Picture's Worth articles recently, if you have missed those – please go here.

In this A Picture's Worth today we asked Magda De Jonge Malucha to tell us more about her image featured here. De Jonge Malucha has detailed her thoughts below, we think you'll find this invaluable…

"Thank you so much Joanne for inviting me.

I took this image during rehearsal of local festival in Ibiza. The famous Fallas of Valencia are celebrated on 19th of March, Saint Joseph Day, every year. Here in Ibiza, thousands of Valecians who now live here celebrate around the folllowing weekend so they can be at both places.

I am an observer who is attracted to people by their behavior. Gestures unveil people's emotions. You may easily deceive others with your words, but it is hard to do so with your body language.

Hands and eyes don't lie – they mirror our true feelings and often reveal our age.

The fact that your phone is always with you is a big advantage. You can catch lots of precious moments and go unnoticed.

I used the native camera of the iPhone 7 Plus on automatic mode, because I could then  concentrate exclusively on the composition and the moment of shooting.

I prosessed the image with two apps. First – Noir  to convert the image to black and white and add some vignette. Then I used Filterstorm Neue to adjust the basic luminance levels and contrast adjustments. For this particular image, I also used the blurring option to bring more attention and focus to the frame. The background was too distracting so I added some noise to make a classic black and white look with touch of drama".

Photo ©Magda De Jonge Malucha

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Source: Mobile Photography and Art – A Picture's Worth with Magda De Jonge Malucha from Ibiza, Spain

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