Saturday, May 7, 2016

Head On Photo Festival announces winners

"The Fallen", winner of the Head On Landscape Prize 2016.

"The Fallen", winner of the Head On Landscape Prize 2016. Photo: David Chancellor

The winners of the 2016 Head On Photo Festival awards have been announced, with Antonio Heredia taking the Head On Portrait Prize for his evocative image of a brain cancer survivor's scarred crown.

The subject, Oscar Prieto, endured surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy to beat the cancer and now carries the memento of a deep scar, which travels from the back of his skull to the nape of his neck.

David Chancellor took first prize in the landscape category, with a peaceful yet confronting image of a dying giraffe, photographed in the South African savannah.

''Losing Independence'', the winner of the Head On Mobile Prize.

''Losing Independence'', the winner of the Head On Mobile Prize. Photo: Andrew Robert Morgan

The mobile photography prize went to Andrew Robert Morgan for his photograph entitled Losing Independence, a portrait of an 87-year-old man sat in the back seat of a car, like a child, no longer able to drive.


More than 4000 entrants were in the running across the four categories: portrait, landscape, mobile and student, with a prize pool worth $50,000.

Head On Photo Festival is on now in Sydney, with a busy program of talks, workshops and exhibitions.

''Survivor'', winner of the Head On Portrait Prize 2016.

''Survivor'', winner of the Head On Portrait Prize 2016. Photo: Antonio Heredia

Head On Portrait Prize and Head On Mobile Prize finalists are on exhibition at the Museum of Sydney until June 5, Head On Landscape Prize finalists are on at NSW Parliament House Fountain Court Gallery until June 5.

Source: Head On Photo Festival announces winners

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